Hello, I am Jenny Tipping and I offer safe spaces to explore issues of diversity with compassion and openness
Diversity training for the transport and logistics industry
The transport and logistics industry has traditionally been an overwhelmingly white male workplace. This has changed considerably in the nearly 20 years that I have worked in it, and there is still change to happen.
I support people and organisations to put this change in place through communication skills and empathic leadership training with an awareness of diversity and privilege.
I also offer group workshops in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in person and online. Click on the links below for more information.

As a coach I am drawn to those who want to make a difference in their lives and in their world. After many years in the transport industry, I particularly enjoy working with people who are stepping outside of society’s rules for how they should act, and changing society in the process.
Empathy and communication skills training to improve diversity in the transport industry
NVC Courses
Learn to connect with the self, with others and with all that is
Empathy and communication skills training to improve diversity in the transport industry
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