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In Person Training Courses

The courses below were due to be held in 2020.

For further information please sign up to my mailing list or email

Why do I feel the way I feel?  

Empathic Communication Module 1: self-empathy

March 2020, Bournemouth

Do you ever find yourself lost in a mental cul-de-sac wondering why you feel the way you feel or why you acted the way you did?  This course will help you find a way out to a place of understanding and peace.

Using the techniques of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) we will get in touch with the feelings and underlying needs which are at the heart of our actions.  

We will also explore our judgements of ourselves to find the nuggets of clarity hidden within them. This powerful practice of self-empathy will enable you to fully get in touch with the cause of your emotions and behaviour and allow you find a path out of the cul-de-sac.

 Be prepared to challenge yourself!

For further information or to book your place, email

Event Details

Date and Time: Sat 14 March 2020.  10-5pm

Cost: £60. Concessions available

Location: The Old School House

Facebook event:

Why did they do that?  

Empathic Communication Foundation Module 2: empathy with others

April 2020, Bournemouth

Do you ever find yourself wondering why someone did or said what they did? Did something trigger you and you cannot understand it and let go of it?

By using the techniques of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) we can fully get in touch with the feelings and needs that were triggered in us by another person’s behaviour and then move on to understanding what may have been going on for them. Through this we can connect with what was alive in the other person and move beyond the trigger to a place of connection.

We will be using examples from our own lives, with loved ones, work colleagues or with people in power.

For further information or to book your place, email

Event Details

Date and Time:  Sat 18 April 2020.  10-5pm

Cost: £60. Concessions available

Location: The Old School House

Facebook event:

Taster Session in Empathic Communication

Do you long to:

  • Understand your emotions and behaviour better?
  • Communicate more effectively with the people in your life?
  • Live more peacefully in this troubled world?

Come along and see how Nonviolent Communication (NVC) can help you.

trees alongside winding path

Event Details

Date: 25 January 2020.  2-5pm

Cost: suggested donation £10

Location: The Old School House

Facebook event: