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Work With Me

My courses focus on the personal and communication skills we need to make our world a more open and diverse place. Trailblazers and Changemakers are key to making this world a reality.

Trailblazers are those of you who see yourselves as the odd one out – you may be a member of a marginalised group, you may be the only one of your demographic in your team or organisation, you may be in an industry or a role where your very presence is a delight to some but a challenge to others.

Changemakers may yourselves also be Trailblazers, or you may be part of the dominant demographic. What Changemakers have in common is that you are in a position of leadership where you can make the world for Trailblazers an easier one. Changemakers may also find yourselves as challenging to many.

The work of both groups can be lonely and tough. It can also be exciting and dynamic!

On my courses these groups will learn the skills they need, both to support themselves while they do this work and to work with others to make the path as smooth as possible.

Group facilitation in organisations:

On one of my workshops we can work together to learn:

    • Listening and speaking with empathy
    • Tools for resolving conflict in peaceful and restorative ways
    • Making conscious our unconscious bias
    • How to structure decision-making practices so all voices are heard
woman writing on clear perspex noticeboard

If you would like more information about running a workshop in your organisation or networking group, contact me on: 

Communication4Diversity Online Training:

women at training session

Through my online courses I work with individuals to:

  • Develop the all important self-empathy and care needed to do this work
  • Overcome the imposter syndrome and recognise it in others
  • Learn the skills of expressing difficult topics in ways that people can hear
  • Learn how to deal with resistance to change

Diversity Book Group

Find out more about my planned book group sessions.

Diversity Coaching

I also offer Individual Coaching.

For more information contact me on or sign up to my newsletter.

I run courses for individuals both in person and online to create spaces where people can find their voice and through that their true authenticity and power.